kaj.weissenberg@kiwa.com · +358 40 555 9628


The HSEQ® assessment is a common method for large industrial companies and energy utilities, aimin to assure that suppliers are responsible, safe and smart companies.

The practice is based on responsible sourcing, thereby reducing surprises, damages and the resulting costs

Some highlights resulting from the HSEQ® method, (verified by the University of Oulu):

The HSEQ® assessment can be done at four different levels

  1. HSEQ® self-assessment (100 EUR)
  2. Verified HSEQ® self-assessment (500 EUR)
  3. HSEQ® assessment (2950 EUR in Finland and 34 000 SEK Sweden)
  4. Extended HSEQ® assessment (4350 EUR and 50 000 SEK in Sweden)

Read below what the different levels include and choose the option that best suits your company. HSEQ assessment is easy to order online:

HSEQ® self-assessment

The HSEQ® method includes a self-assessment and an HSEQ® assessment carried out on the basis of it. This results is an assessment report that shows supplier´s capability to deliver with a comparable score.

The self-assessment report is indicative only, but it offers a good opportunity to enter the Buyers´s delivery network.

The actual assessment verifies the actual capability to deliver and gives the organization marketability not only to companies that are HSEQ® Buyers, but also to all other clients.

HSEQ® self-assessment (100 EUR) includes:

  • self-assessment and a report that will remain in the Buyers’ common register of suppliers

If you decide to continue from this stage and have your self-assessment verified, we will refund the self-assessment fee in full from the fee of the next stage.

A verified HSEQ® self-assessment (500 EUR) includes:

  • self-assessment and a report that will remain in the Buyers’ common register of suppliers
  • verification of the self-assessment. This statement will remain in the Buyers’ common register of suppliers, and you will receive a separate, credible document from Kiwa.

If you decide to proceed with the actual assessment, we will refund half of the verification fee you paid for the final assessment

HSEQ® assessment

The HSEQ® assessment method includes a self-assessment and an HSEQ® assessment carried out on the basis of it. The result is an assessment report that shows the company’s delivery capability with a comparable score. The assessment independently verifies the delivery capability and gives marketability to the organization, not only for companies that are HSEQ® Buyers, but also for all your other customers who care about their brand.

Kiwa informs all HSEQ® cluster Buyers when your company has voluntarily provided transparency and demonstrated responsibility.
The lead assessor will agree with you on a time that suits the majority of interested Buyers (at least the one of them will participate in the assessment).
A professional auditor will carry out a one-day assessment of your organization, based on your self-assessment.
You will receive a certificate, which you can use as evidence of your  capability to deliver, agaist the HSEQ® criteria.
This certificate is comparable with other organizations. On the public website, you can compare your own results with other organizations anonymously.

The HSEQ® assessment (2950 EUR in Finland and 34 000 SEK Sweden )  includes:

  • travel expenses in Finland and Sweden
  • self-assessment, site visit and assessment report, which will remain in the Buyers´s common supplier register. The HSEQ® assessment is valid for 3 years
  • an official certificate from Kiwa

If you decide to expand your assessment to a nationwide one, this is possible within 6 months of the actual assessment.

Supplementary assessments are offered separately. Their costs are significantly lower than the actual assessment, but travel expenses are added based on actuals.

If you decide to extend the HSEQ® assessment to include the quality module approved by the Technology Industries, the HSEQ®  assessment is counted as the first part of the extended HSEQ®.

If you decide to extend the HSEQ® assessment to include the quality module approved by the Technology Industries, the HSEQ®  assessment is counted as the first part of the extended HSEQ®.

Extended HSEQ® assessment (4350 EUR and 50 000 SEK in Sweden) includes:

  • travel expenses in Finland and Sweden
  • self-assessment, site visit and assessment report, which will remain in the Buyers´s common supplier register. The HSEQ® assessment is valid for 3 years
  • an official certificate from Kiwa
  • A Green Card® certificate, if no open deviations remain amongst the mandatory requirements

If you decide to extend your assessment to nationwide, this is possible within 6 months of the actual assessment. Supplementary assessments are offered separately. Their costs are significantly lower than the actual assessment, but travel expenses are added based on actuals.

A Green Card® certificate, authorized by the Technology Industries, is awarded for no extra cost, if no open deviations remain amongst the mandatory requirements. Green Card® is valid for one year at a time.

If you wish to apply for an HSEQ -assessment, please drop a line