Joining the HSEQ Cluster
You can become a member of the HSEQ® Cluster on recommendation by a member or application to the Moderator. When the Moderator receives a recommendation, it asks members for comments. All comments are heard and appreciated, but the moderator has the authority to make the final decision. Membership begins when the new member has accepted the rules and signed a moderation agreement.

Agreements and rules
The moderation agreement is drawn up so that the moderator has the right to represent the Member in planning and implementation of future assessments as applicable. The rules have been drawn up in such a way that they comply with the terms of EU competition law (e.g. the point of view of the EU Antitrust Directive). There is a statement of this from legal advisors at Castrén Snellman. For example, the rules stipulate that the moderator has an obligation to prevent situations where Buyers (Members), when they are together, would talk about the capabilities of any particular suppliers.
The membership fee is formal and non-profit. Members invest their own time in the improvement of the entire supplier field and, for a small membership fee, enjoy the exchange of experiences, benchmark and benefits of a common assessment database.
Suppliers order their own assessment from a third party and own the results of their assessment. Third party assessments are free for Members. They are therefore only responsible for their own expenses. The suppliers release their results only to the Members they want to allow access for. Information security is taken care of by IT arrangements.

Inspecta Certifiointi Oy
Kaj von Weissenberg
More information about membership, rules and costs is provided by the Moderator of the HSEQ® cluster