For suppliers
Any Supplier may voluntarily apply for a third party audit. The results are property of each supplier.

Suppliers share their results to any Buyer they wish, but within the HSEQ® Cluster, each Supplier has a hotline to Buyers of their choice over the HSEQ® database. Data security is tight, which allows full control for each Supplier over their own data: “who has access to what”.
Buyers can launch requests to suppliers for self-assessments:
In case Members seek need second party (private) audits, each HSEQ® audit will be planned separately with the moderator. Members can use the generic HSEQ®-questionnaire or modify the scope with less or more criteria. Buyer specific criteria will be added as an appendix, but the generic criteria can be used to compare Vendors/Suppliers across categories.
In case Members seek for validated third party HSEQ® information, they may freely view, compare and download audit results from the common database.
In case a particular Vendor/Supplier is not yet in the database, Members can add interesting Vendors/Suppliers into the Common audit plan and join the audit when it is realized. Third party assessments are executed by an independent assessment body, free of charge for Members.