HSEQ® assessment method
Any Buyer (i.e. member) of the HSEQ® -cluster may intiate their needs to have any particular supplier company audited, anywhere in the world. Any supplier may also voluntarily apply for an audit. All these initiatives are being collected and allocated into a shared audit plan by the moderator and executed by an independent assessment body.

HSEQ®-assessments are based on self assessments and complemented by audits on site.
Interested buyers may particiate as appropriate. A professional lead auditor is nominated for all audits. Audit reports are stored into a web library and accessible for defined HSEQ -cluster members at all times. Reports are valid for 3 years. All suppliers are able to limit the access to their own reports from any buyer they wish, to guarantee confidential issues from leaking to undesired parties.

Supplier responsibilities
Cluster responsiblities
- HSEQ® assessment does not violate or restrict open competition defined in the EU directives. Top layers have given a valid statement of this and their statement is obtainable by interested Buyer Companies applying for membership
- Cluster members may not audit their competititors. This is about assessing suppliers.
- Although HSEQ® assessment gives a commonly accepted and trustworthy validation of a supplier company, each Cluster member makes their own decision regarding fulfillment of their requirements for a supplier working in their common workplace.
Will the HSEQ®-assessment method fit my organization?
As you think of the applicability, you may take into consideration the following scheme:
HSEQ® Assessment Method
- Does my organization want to differentiate in the eyes of Large Buyers?
- Are we in need of an authorized Capability Maturity Level audit?
- Do we need guidance in HSEQ issues?
- Do we operate in the business environment of the Cluster Buyers?
- Do we need tools for continuous improvement in HSEQ issues?
Apply for the assesment
If you wish to apply for an HSEQ -assessment, please drop a line at fi.hseq@kiwa.com for further instructions or fill the form below.
HSEQ® assessed suppliers
Search suppliers, who have a valid statement/report of their HSEQ® -assessment. Use the following link: Kiwa sertificate search. You can search by company name (“Yrityksen nimi”) and set “HSEQ” as a reference in the search (“Sertifikaatin referenssi”). Press “Hae” to search. Note. that you only see 20 companies if you do not set more criteria (e.g. company name).